Friday, July 18, 2008

Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail

I can't recommend one memoir without two of my other absolute favorites. This woman was part of a large Afghanistan family that was thrown into prison when the Russians came in, if I am remembering correctly. Sorry, I read it many years ago. When I read these incredible stories of what people have overcome, it is so inspiring what we can endure. I guess it just makes you have those 'life is beautiful' moments because all at once it is horrific and beautiful. I think the common thread is that in most of these stories, the main characters relied on loved ones to get them through all of their hard times. They had such close bonds with others enduring the same hardship as them. Can you imagine losing twenty years of your life for some political crime that your father may or may not have committed?? And to think how many American prisoners have been released since the advent of DNA evidence!

Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail (Oprah's Book Club)

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