About Me

I live in Texas with my husband, my little toddler, and our dog. Life is a journey, not a destination, and mine has been quite a ride so far!  I have lived in nine states, although some for brief spurts. I am a Texan through and through. After college I pretty much followed life wherever it may have taken me, sometimes moving because of work and sometimes to follow fun.  My love of snowboarding took me to Utah and California. I met my man in Utah. He is from Alaska.  Oh wait, we were talking about me. Working as a catastrophe insurance adjuster took me to Florida and New Orleans. Whitewater rafting found me in Colorado. I followed my brother and his wife to Maui.  The home in my heart no matter where I am is Austin, Texas. San Francisco is a really close second.    I like to post about anything and everything and I'm very sarcastic by nature so don't take anything I say too seriously. A couple more random tidbits? Okay, well I'm a procastinator by nature.  I am a night owl, which by definition makes me more of a late sleeper. You can have that early morning, thank you very much. I love books but don't read nearly as much as I should. My love for the internet competes with my love of reading. I'm pretty light-hearted. A bit bossy. Laughing is my favorite thing to do. I don't know what I'd do without my girlfriends. I'm competitive. I am a retired roller derby girl. That oughtta do it for now, don't ya think? After all, I don't know the first thing about YOU.  Thanks for stopping by!


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