Thursday, November 11, 2010

Aaaand....we're live!

I'm ready to bring this blog back from the dead!  Moowaahaaahaaa!  Yes, that's right.  Born again.  Inspired?  Possibly.  Have something to say?  Maybe.  Recently relocated to the midwest and don't have any friends?  Highly likely.  But it doesn't matter what brings me here.  It just...matters...that...I'm here!  And you can forget any catching up nonsense of the last two years.  Besides, if you weren't there, you don't need to know right?  We are jumping right in.  I will tell you this, my dedicated reader of one last time I checked, I am finally living under one roof with my love, I am not teaching school this year, I'm a graduate assistant at a major university, and I'm pursuing my master's degree.  Exciting stuff, no?  I was supposed to get married a few weeks ago but that's a whole other enchilada. 

It's been an interesting year, an interesting year indeed.  I am not writing to reflect today, though.  I just want to point out how different my life has become.  Let's see.  A year ago would have looked something like this - lots and lots of working, thinking about working, and stressing about working; a fair amount of weekend drinking; mucho time with my girlfriends (Sorry if you find Spanglish annoying.  Get over it.  I'm Texan.); plenty of pining over my love who lived two states away; I am very rarely at home.  I was busy, working hard and playing hard.  Come back to the present with me.  When I am not working, I am at home.  I am a domestic goddess (big, BIG stretch of the imagination here, but go with it because you feel sorry for me).  I might, might finish a six-pack in a week.  I am with my love constantly.  I have no girlfriends to run amok with on the weekends.  I read the Sunday paper.  I do puzzles.  Sometimes, I even play tennis!

Now, I know some urbanite reader might actually be pitying me at this point.  I lived the fun, social life that is Austin and now I can be found doing puzzles on a Saturday night in the midwest.  I know, sad.  But oddly enough, I am kind of liking it right now.  It feels weird to type that and actually give it some validity through doing so.  I'm guessing that come February, I will find it hard to imagine that I ever uttered those words.  But screw February.  It's November, damnit.  The thing is, it's quiet.  It's simple.  I have more time.  I don't feel like there's a million things that I'm always missing out on.  I'm not working as much either and that is really nice.  My bank account balance isn't so nice, but that's okay.  For now.  This morning, example, was exquisite.  Both of us got to sleep in until nine.  We rode our bikes down to the cute, little town square and main street to catch the Veteran's Day parade.  I made us a yummy breakfast, listening to NPR Morning Edition while he worked on our puzzle in the kitchen.  I rode my bike to work.  It takes five minutes.  And it's freakin' beautiful right now, too!  The fall here has been absolutely amazing.  Since early to mid-September temperatures have been in the 70s and 80s, with blue bird skies almost every day.  I really enjoy getting to enjoy some fall foliage action since you don't get too terribly much of that in Tejas.  I'm sure that is part of what is coloring my experience right now, fall.  I LOVE AUTUMN.  I can't get dang enough of it!  And you know what represents falls the best?  PUMPKINS.  Yeah, freakin' pumpkins.  I have been experimenting with them in the kitchen.  I'm going to hold out and save that for another post though.  For now I will just leave you with the taste of me totally queering out over fall and the simple, midwestern lifestyle.

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