Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's on Soriah's phone?

Who says you can't post "What's on your phone Tuesdays" on a Friday night??  Hey, I procrastinate.  Accept me for who I am!  Let's have a looksie.

I took this pic while tooling around last Saturday with Mr. Siss.  He said he wanted a new contact photo of me for his phone, and that he wanted my super raised eyebrow face.  (I can only raise the left one, but apparently to impressive heights!)  So this was my attempt.  It's super lame though though because my hat (totally cute, right?!) covers it up and doesn't really give you the full effect.  Myeh...had fun doing it anyway.  As long as I amuse myself...

We were browsing the Goodwill last weekend and came across these beauties.  I mean, really?!  Who used to wear stuff like this?!  I just wish I had an excuse to do so.  What costume party would you wear these to?  A 70's bowling theme?  I can't figure it out.  And then the Playboy bunny threw me off even more!  They were good for a chuckle.  Thank goodness for that because that Goodwill was severely disappointing.  We were in the hopes of finding a supremely cheesy Christmas sweater for Mr. Siss.

Now, I realize I run the risk of coming off as "one of those people" that is just obsessed with their pet and well, all of the other judgments that might go along with that that we're all not talking about.  But I need to point out once more, and maybe a few more times throughout the next few months, that we live in Kansas, and don't really have any friends.  Life these days pretty much consists of me, my man, the dog.  Sure, there are bouts in between of work, working out, and brief forays amongst the general public.  But mostly it's just us.  Amusing ourselves.  I gotta say...we're gettin' pretty darn good at it.  Lola sure likes the attention!  And I do find it super adorable when Mr. Siss loves on our pup.  I can't help it. 80's rock song comes on, and you just gotta bang it out.  When the keyboards really get you revved up, it's time for the air keytar!!

I purchased this lovely little get-up for Lola when I lived in Austin at my favorite thrift store.  She seemed all bummed out the other day, so Mr. Siss pulled out her little hoodie and put it on her.  Is getting her an iPod the next step?  I wonder what her musical taste is!

Enjoying a rare opportunity to ride shotgun.  I know what you're thinking....I should re-name my blog "Married to the Dog."  It is what it is.  I promise my pictures will get more interesting at some point, when I get more of a life again.  But hey, I'm workin' with what I got right?  Am I right?

I took this on campus after getting off of work.  I really like working on a college campus.  It's purty.


  1. i think u and i have differen't definitions for the term "bang it out". i was thrown off guard a little on that one. yikes. i didn't know if i should close my eyes when i scroleld down or just stare like a train wreck. nevertheless, i was dissapointed. hmmm. oh well. maybe next time? hah

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Ms. Lola Claus...too cute!! :)


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