We spent the day there two weeks ago - three mommies, three infants under six months old, Malu, me, and Maria joined us later. They have this little mini water park and there are about six different water slides throughout, a lazy river, rope swing, three hot tubs, water bar, baby beach, water volleyball, and water elevator! It's crazy! Check out the link and you'll see for yourself.
It was one of Kristina's friend's birthday, so she rented a cabana for all of us and the next photo is Malu relaxing under the cabana, after it started raining a bit.
Malu wanted some mommy time so I took the baby, Kanahe, and he fell asleep in my arms. He is about three months and sweet as can be, almost never cries, unless he is hungry and Kristina quickly fixes that problem. He slept in my arms for a good hour or more and I took him for a stroll along the beach. Man, you really get a lot of attention when you are holding a sweet little one! I was getting stared at like crazy, but at least it was stares accompanied by smiles.
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