Sunday, May 13, 2012

It is Mother's Day. My first. Suffice to say, it takes on a whole new meaning now that I am the mom. It also makes me wish I had shown more appreciation for my mother. I suppose those are the lessons that we don't learn until we are actually in their shoes. I hope she won't mind if I try to make up for lost time and shower her with the appreciation that only she deserves.

It's hard to believe that the last time I blogged, my little man was still somewhat of an abstract idea, an outline on the ultrasound monitor, an "it." Now he is three months old and the landlord of my heart. When he giggles, smiles, coos, passes gas, burps, just about anything besides cry...we all practically come running. Surrounding the precious child who has brought so much joy into our lives.  I'm so lucky to be his mother.

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